Sunday, February 8, 2009


Good Sunday afternoon to all. Im sure some of you guys aren't going to read this until Monday while at work, so good Monday as well. I really don't know what prompted me to open this email from my mom. I receive so many from her that every once in a while I get backed up on reading them and just hit delete to catch up. Well i'm very glad I opened this one. As we, the United States, are faced daily with our troubled economy it gets very easy to become down and out. As we, Christian believers in a very dark world, go to our places of work we daily see individuals that are pretty much with out hope. Whether it be the fear of losing their job, or a broken marriage at home, a troubled relationship with a loved one, or someone who just feels very defeated, it is our job as Christians to step in and atleast pray for that person they don't even need to know we prayed for them. In the video I posted, from my mom's email, you will find a man who could have lost hope a long, long time ago. Please watch the video now.
HOPE, PERSEVERENCE, STRENGTH, Three very key things that man could have given up on. Now look at him, he is a motivational speaker. To me that is amazing. So as we head to work tomorrow, some of us are faced with, job insecurity, family strife, the loss of a loved one, or just a bad morning/day please take the time to remember to get back up. No matter what happens there is always someone who has been there in your situation and have made it through. I wish all of ya'll a great day and an even greater week.

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